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Writer's pictureAnnija Alvatere

My new favorite place- city walk

Definitely. If you want to feel like kinda in Europe, just with clean streets and less noise, City walk is the right place. Still its not the same, but same same, but different.

There is really nice street art. There is outdoor sitting areas, shopping centre ( of course, i really think that here in Dubai, hanging out places are shops. Literally all people are in the shops on their day off. )

There is some kinda of museums. Haven't seen it yet.

And just cross the street there is Green Planet. Place which is made for birds, ants, insects..... And in the middle of the place there is man made tree. Its in 4 floors, each floor different meanings. At the top birds, on the ground snakes. Kinda made like a jungle.

Fact- Snakes are feeding with frozen mice. You know why? Because if it would be real, the mouse would start to eat snake!

But that place is really something totally different then usual places in Dubai. I really enjoy it there!

Check out:

Lai lasītu latvski, nobrauc uz leju.

Tiešām City Walk mani pārsteidza ar to,cik ļoti līdzinās Eiropai!

Tur ir mazas mājas, maximums 3 stāvi. Tur ir veikali, āra kafenīcas. Protams arī iepirkšanās centrs. Vispār šeit cilvēki ir mazliet dīvaini. Savas brīvdienas viņiem patīk pavadīt iepirkšanās centros. Kāpēc? Es nezinu. Varbūt dēļ karstuma. Minu kā piemēru.

Šajā vietā ir saucamā "Zaļā Planēta", kur ir atrodams cilvēka veidots koks, kur ir kā itkā džungļos. Un visas radības arī saliktas pakāpeniski kā džungļos. Augšā putni, pašā apakšā čuskas.

Interesants fakts- Boa (čūska) baro ar sasaldētām pelītēm, jo ja dotu dzīvas, peles ēstu čūsku.

Bet man ļoti patika šī vieta. Ļoti!

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